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panel discussion at DSCI

Resiliency for Digital Enterprise. How it would be different from BCP/DR? [Panel Discussion @ DSCI]

[This panel discussion happened on 23-Aug-23 in annual “Best Practices Meet” organised by Data Security Council of India (DSCI)]  Reliability is the outcome, Resiliency is the way you accomplish that outcome, and (Disaster) Recovery is one of the many practices that you need employ to… Read More »Resiliency for Digital Enterprise. How it would be different from BCP/DR? [Panel Discussion @ DSCI]

Software Builders: Are you ready to reframe your future? [Keynote @ Azure Community Conference]

[This was keynote delivered on 30-Oct-21 for Azure Community Conference 2021] The technology has always been evolving at great speed, and pandemic has fueled its acceleration beyond anyone’s expectation. The digital transformations that organizations were planning to do by 2030 are happening right now. As… Read More »Software Builders: Are you ready to reframe your future? [Keynote @ Azure Community Conference]


Cloud CORPS – What Azure, AWS and GCP rely on as foundation of robust cloud architecture [Azure Community Conference]

[This talk was delivered on 29-Oct-21 for Azure Community Conference 2021] Cloud providers have been innovating at a great speed and continuously releasing new services and features. You have multiple services to do the same thing. A growing list of options is increasing the complexity… Read More »Cloud CORPS – What Azure, AWS and GCP rely on as foundation of robust cloud architecture [Azure Community Conference]

Multicloud management solutions landscape diagram

MultiCloud management solutions landscape – what is right for you?

MultiCloud management solutions have evolved a lot in recent past and provide extensive features. CMPs provide a comprehensive package of multiple feature areas supporting most public clouds. At the same time, cloud providers have started providing solutions in some feature areas that enable you to manage those features in hybrid and multicloud environments. In addition, there are specialized solutions which provide industry leading capabilities in their area of specialization.