Sanjay Narang

Passionate Technologist with 20+ years of experience! Love spreading knowledge and creating visible business impact with IT strategy and architecture

Relationship between Multi-Cloud Business Objectives, architecture drivers and patterns

What are your architectural drivers for adopting multi-cloud?

While industry is adopting multi-cloud in a big way, it is important to define the business objectives expected from the adoption. Otherwise, it can become failed investment in another technology buzzword. This post provides different objectives as architectural drivers, for which, organizations may adopt multi-cloud. Each of these architecture drivers can have one or more architecture patterns. Patterns describe different ways of implementing multi-cloud and resulting in required business objectives.

More Organizations adopt multi-cloud, COVID-19 accelerates it further

Multi-cloud adoption today is at a critical transition point, where organizations are moving from ‘WHY’ multi-cloud to ‘HOW’ and ‘WHAT’ on multi-cloud. The percentage of organizations having multi-cloud strategy almost doubled in past 1 year. Unprecedented growth of cloud because COVID-19 and associated capacity risks make multi-cloud even more important for organizations. These aspects are discussed in more detail in this article